Unique Ways To Use a Chalk Board in Your Home

While you may know the chalkboard from your childhood classroom, it actually has a lot more uses than that. 

There are many unique and interesting ways you can utilise it in your own home, or even your office. 

To get you started, here are just a few of our ideas! 


Write Reminders & To Do Lists

Perhaps one of the more obvious and basic uses of a chalkboard is that you can very easily pick up a piece of chalk and start writing on it. You don’t need any other supplies, you can simply start drawing on the board with ease whenever you need. 


This can be great for writing reminders and to do lists. While a piece of paper can be great for this task, often it ends up getting lost or forgotten.


However a chalkboard is more eye-catching, and can be a focal point in your room, making you remember what you need to get done. It can also elevate your home decor, making your to do list fit in more with the rest of your interior design. 


You can also use it to do homework, write notes or plan ideas. You can even create a chalkboard wall and use it as a message board between housemates. It can help keep everything organised and everyone on the same page. 


This Mum’s Kitchen blackboard can be used to write dinner ideas, recipes or any items you need to pick up at the shops. Just grab some chalk and you’ll be set. 


Creative & Fun For Kids

Chalkboards are a great way to keep kids occupied and entertained. They are great for learning maths and writing skills, as well as playtime. Kids can make games out of drawing on them or use them for counting.

A chalkboard is also an amazing space for children to do things that you wouldn't want to do at home! Instead of painting on the hallway walls, chalkboards provide a place where your child can express themselves without any judgement. 

They are also a fun way to keep kids' hands busy while learning. The kids can even use the chalk on other surfaces such as pavement, and it will easily wash away with water, not leaving any damage. 

Putting up a chalkboard in your home is a great way to display family artwork. The chalkboards themselves are made of durable and easy-to-clean material, so you won't have to worry about the mess. At Dollars and Sense, we have a huge range of Blackboards and Chalk to browse.


Chalkboard Art

Chalkboard art is a really creative and affordable way to express yourself and create new decorations for your home. 

One of our customers drew on her chalkboards, and then used sealer on the chalkboard surface to make sure it didn’t smudge. The results were some really amazing and brilliant pieces of art! 


You can have complete creative freedom to draw whatever you want. You can stay with the classic black and white look, or go for an exciting pop of colour. 

Your art will make a great addition to any area of your home, whether it’s your living room, signs on bedroom doors, or your home office. 

If you want more ideas for chalkboard art, these chalkboards on sticks could be used to make cute little garden signs, name signs for events, or any other chalkboard sign ideas you can think of! 


Find Affordable Chalk & Blackboards Today

Ready to start using chalkboards in your home today? They have a lot of practical uses, but they can also be a whole lot of fun. 

We have a range of affordable options for blackboards and chalk for sale online and instore at Dollars and Sense. Just come see for yourself!